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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2008-06-02 2008-17 2008-06 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2008-06 instructing the Director of Libraries to sign the attached lease agreement with the City of Santa Cruz for space at 117 Union Street, Santa Cruz, and to direct the Director to have the city report back to the board on how they determine insurance rates..

Vote: UNAN
2008-06-02 2008-18 2008-07 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2008-07 adopting the FY 2008-09 Budget with the following changes: reduce anticipated savings from the holiday closure by $20,000; remove Kemme Trust revenues and expenditures from the budget; direct staff to bring back the issue of the furlough at the September meeting.

Vote: AYES: Mathews, Gerdt, Gorson, Termini, Beautz, Rotkin, Stone, Poitinger NAYES: Reed
2008-06-02 2008-19 2008-08 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolutions 2008-08, 2008-09, 2008-10, 2008-11 appropriating and transferring trust and other funds for this purpose.

Vote: UNAN
2008-05-12 2008-15 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board approve staffing changes at the Scotts Valley Branch as follows: reduce a vacant full time Library Assistant Position from 40 hours per week to 30 hours per week, and add 10 hours per week to a Library Clerk position..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Stone
2008-05-12 2008-16 2008-05 That by Resolution #2008-05 the Library Joint Powers Authority Board rescind its appropriation of $300,000 in Reserve Funds for the Aptos Parking Lot expansion, and appropriate $275,000 in Reserve Funds to the project with the following amendment. AMENDMENT: The Board will approve appropriation now with the understanding that the board may substitute with monies from the Kemme Trust or other funds when the final budget is adopted..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Stone
2008-04-07 2008-11 that the Board move to set the Felton Library as the highest capital priority and that no other capital money be spent on any other capital projects including upgrades, remodels, changes or new starts, until the new Felton branch is funded. For further clarification this action would not apply to money spent from the operations budget for normal capital equipment expenditures such as for shelving, maintenance projects, ect..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gerdt, Gorson, Poitinger, Rotkin, Stone, Termini NAYES: Reed Absent: Mathews
2008-04-07 2008-12 2008-04 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a Resolution #2008-04 confirming acceptance of a grant from the California Council for the Humanities in the amount of $1,000 plus equipment, and amending the FY 2007-08 Budget to include these funds..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Mathews
2008-04-07 2008-13 That by motion the Board direct the Chair to appoint a subcommittee of members to consult with the Director of Libraries in updating the Library's Facilities Master Plan..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Mathews
2008-04-07 2008-14 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board move to direct staff to look into non-metallic alternatives to replacing the Live Oak railing caps..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Mathews
2008-03-03 2008-08 2008-03 That Resolution #2008-03 the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate and transfer $7500.00 in available income from McCaskill Trust for Local History to hire contract staff to assist with the evaluation of the Local History content of the existing library website, the migration of content to the new website, and creating new local history content..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Rotkin & Mathews
2008-03-03 2008-09 That the Board appropriate $300,000 in reserve funds to the Aptos Parking Lot Expansion and instruct staff to proceed with the bid process, with the understanding that staff may return at a later date with changed funding proposals..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Rotkin & Mathews
2008-03-03 2008-10 That the Board move to set the Felton Library as the highest capital priority and that other capital project monies to start major new projects will not be spent until the Felton project is funded..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gerdt, Gorson, Poitinger, Stone, & Termini NAYES: Reed ABSENT: Rotkin & Mathews
2008-02-04 2008-05 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board move to accept final Grand Jury report..

Vote: UNAN
2008-02-04 2008-06 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board move to re-elect Councilmember Termini as Chair for another year..

Vote: UNAN
2008-02-04 2008-07 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board move to re-elect Citizenmember Barbara Gorson as Vice Chair for another year..

Vote: UNAN
2008-01-07 2008-01 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accept the Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2007 prepared by Caporicci & Larson, Certified Public Accountants..

Vote: UNAN
2008-01-07 2008-02 2008-01 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2008-01 that will appropriate and transfer $3,800.00 in available McCaskill Trust for Local History funds to purchase archival boxes in which to store the Library System's collection of historic newspapers, and that the FY 2007-08 budget be amended accordingly..

Vote: UNAN
2008-01-07 2008-03 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board move to re-appoint Citizenmember Barbara Gorson for another 4 year term set to expire January 31, 2012..

Vote: UNAN
2008-01-07 2008-04 2008-02 That Resolution #2008-02 the Library Joint Powers Authority Board appropriate and transfer $106,000 in available reserve funds for implementation of the Library's automation system upgrade, Phase 2.

Vote: UNAN
2007-12-03 2007-29 2007-16 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board salutes Margaret Souza on the occasion of her retirement, thanks her for her many years of fine service, and wishes her a happy future life of hand weaving and travel in which no bindery or leased books ever appear. RESO #16.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Gorson
2007-12-03 2007-30 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2007-15 amending the FY2007-08 budget and approving certain budget transfers as needed. With the exception of deferring the $50,000 for moving expenses to the new Headquarters Offices on Locust/Union..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Gorson
2007-12-03 2007-31 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board postpone the decision regarding the allocation of the Kemme Trust Funds until March 2008..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Gorson
2007-12-03 2007-32 That by motion the Board agrees to request that the County Board of Supervisors place a measure renewing the quarter cent sales tax dedicated to library services on the June 2008 ballot, and that the measure be made permanent..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Gorson
2007-12-03 2007-33 That by motion the Board agrees to request that the County Board of Supervisors place a request to renew the quarter cent sales tax dedicated to library service on the June 2008 ballot with no sunset clause..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gerdt, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone & Termini NAYES: Poitinger & Johnson ABSENT: Gorson
2007-11-05 2007-28 That by motion the Board will postpone a decision regarding the sales tax renewal until the December 3, 2007 meeting. And that the staff will provide the following information for that meeting: A report on the Regional Transportation Commission ballot date decision and information on other measures proposed for the June and November ballots; A report on projected capital expenditures for both the short and the long term and the expected impact on the operating budget; A report on options for providing law information services, including the operations of the County Law Library, relations with the City-County Library system, and the Law Library's eligibility for a share of sales tax revenue..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Rotkin

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