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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2009-03-02 2009-09 that the Library Joint Powers Board approve raising overdue fines from 25 cents a day per item to 50 cents per day per item, effective April 6, 2009. And to have a report back to the Board in six months to review how many borrowers have been blocked..

Vote: AYES: Leopold, Gorson, Poitinger, Reed, Rotkin, Stone, Storey NAYES: Gerdt & Beiers
2009-03-02 2009-10 2009-02 that the Board by Resolution #2009-02 move to transfer $57,100 from the Felton reserve fund to the Library Budget to cover upcoming costs for plan reviews, drawings, etc. for the new Felton Library Branch..

Vote: UNAN
2009-02-02 2009-05 that the Board move to elect Citizenmember Gorson as chair..

Vote: UNAN
2009-02-02 2009-06 that the Board move to elect Citizenmember Poitinger as vice-chair..

Vote: UNAN
2009-02-02 2009-07 that the Board approve the rescheduling of the following meeting dates: Monday, July 6th moved to Monday, July 13th; Monday, September 7th moved to Monday, September 14th.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Beiers
2009-01-26 2009-03 that by motion the Board consider any money that is saved through deferrals or other actions taken by the various unions on behalf of the library members will be returned to that unit in the future either by (and there are a range of possibilities): reducing the length of the existing furlough, not extending future furlough if one becomes necessary as long, reducing potential future lay off's in that unit. One way or another insuring that whatever money saved through their action doesn't go to some other part of the library budget but goes back to the personnel costs of those units. Intent is that by this action and knowing that the City is going to be taking action in negotiations with unions that we are not doing anything to disadvantage library employees. If the concessions that are made benefit our budget, than our staff ask to meet with the union to recover from that..

Vote: UNAN
2009-01-26 2009-04 that by motion the Board adopt staff recommendations to not furlough part time employees working between 21-30 hours per week..

Vote: UNAN
2009-01-12 2009-01 2009-01 That the Board adopt Resolution #2009-01 amending the FY 2008-09 budget and approve actions as reflected in Documents 1, 2, and 3 that are necessary to cover anticipated deficits in revenues, including furloughing library employees and reducing services. Amendment #1: Discuss savings calculated by including reducing PTE (part time equivalent) employees proportionate to FTE (full time equivalent) employees but not to drop PTE employees below 20 hours per week and to discuss the retirement impacts on a reduction in PTE hours. Set up a task force which will include union representation and library management in order to continue conversation regarding the furlough. This task force will report to the board for final review of the proposals. Amendment #2: To exclude some NAS employees (4 total) as staff directed in order to facilitate the continuation of the ILS upgrade. Amendment #3: Leave open the possibility for alternative means to achieve proposed level of savings, currently projected at $624.960..

Vote: UNAN
2009-01-12 2009-02 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board approve raising fees charged to patrons in the following categories (see minutes)..

Vote: UNAN
2008-12-08 2008-34 That the Board approved the appointment of Citizenmember Poitinger for another term..

Vote: UNAN
2008-12-08 2008-35 2008-01 That by Resolution #2008-21 the Library Joint Powers Authority Board appropriate an amount not to exceed $11,500 from the Kemme Trust for Aptos Branch Parking Lot modifications, that it transfer $8,600 in available Reserve funds for landscaping changes on the same project, and that the Library budget be amended to reflect these changes..

Vote: UNAN
2008-10-06 2008-32 2008-19 That by Resolution #2008-19 the Library Joint Powers Authority Board appropriate $38,000 in available Kemme Trust funds for the expansion of the Aptos Branch parking lot..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Gorson, Reed, Rotkin
2008-10-06 2008-33 2008-20 That by Resolution #2008-20 the Library Joint Powers Authority Board salutes all the people who volunteered time to the Library during FY 2007-08, and thanks them most sincerely for their efforts..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Gorson, Reed, Rotkin
2008-09-08 2008-24 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize and direct the Director of Libraries to enter into a loan agreement with the City of Santa Cruz to help fund the Library's tenant improvement costs at the Locust/Union building in the amount of $467,303..

Vote: UNAN
2008-09-08 2008-25 2008-16 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2008-16 authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $4,100 from the McCaskill Trust for the Visually Impaired to purchase computer viewing equipment..

Vote: UNAN
2008-09-08 2008-26 2008-17 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2008-17 transferring and appropriating $500 to the FY 2008-09 budget for the purchase of archival storage supplies..

Vote: UNAN
2008-09-08 2008-27 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board review the Library Conflict of Interest Code and find that no amendment is required..

Vote: UNAN
2008-09-08 2008-28 2008-18 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board by Resolution #2008-18 accept with gratitude the gift of a 1906 panoramic aerial photograph of Santa Cruz for display in the Californiana Room of the Central Branch Library. RESO #18.

Vote: UNAN
2008-09-08 2008-29 That by motion, the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the following open hours schedule for the 2008 holiday season: December 21-23: Regular Open Hours, All Branches; December 24-25: Close All Branches; December 26-30: Regular Open Hours, All Branches; December 31: Close at 3:00pm at all Branches; January 1: Close All Branches; January 2: Resume Regular Hours, All Branches. Second, staff work to make sure the library does not have extraordinary expenses because staff have been allowed to take off discretionary time. Third, library staff will contact the Sentinel with Holiday Closure schedule..

Vote: UNAN
2008-09-08 2008-30 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the attached FY 2008-09- 2012-13 Facilities Master Plan for the Santa Cruz City County Library System, schedule a discussion about funding the plan, and instruct the Director of Libraries to notify the City of Scotts Valley that space for the Outreach Program is no longer needed in that City's New Branch Library..

Vote: UNAN
2008-09-08 2008-31 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board grant conceptual approval to the preliminary design for a Friends of the Library renovated sales space in the Central Branch Lobby..

Vote: UNAN
2008-07-07 2008-20 2008-12 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2008-12 accepting a Library Services and Technology Act grant under the Public Library Staff Education program in the amount of $5,964 for tuition reimbursement for two library employees. RESO #12.

Vote: UNAN Absent; Reed, Poitinger, Stone, Gorson
2008-07-07 2008-21 2008-13 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2008-13 authorizing the Director of Libraries to accept a $4,500 grant from the Mihalik Memorial Fund at the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County for improvements to the Young Adult area at the Boulder Creek Branch and purchase of audio video materials. Also amending the FY 2008-09 budget to implement the project..

Vote: UNAN Absent; Reed, Poitinger, Stone, Gorson
2008-07-07 2008-22 2008-14 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2008-14 accepting a grant and authorizing the Director of Libraries to sign an agreement with the First 5 Commission of Santa Cruz County for continuation in FY 2008-09 of the consolidated Red to Me and Family Place Grant Projects..

Vote: UNAN Absent; Reed, Poitinger, Stone, Gorson
2008-07-07 2008-23 2008-15 That by Resolution #2008-15 the Library Joint Powers Authority Board make changes as described in the previously adopted budget for FY 2008-09..

Vote: UNAN Absent; Reed, Poitinger, Stone, Gorson

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