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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2009-08-03 2009-36 2009-15 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-15 honoring staff member affected by position eliminations and changes..

Vote: UNAN
2009-08-03 2009-37 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board direct the Library Director to work with City Attorney's office to create the Library Finance Subcommittee that meets all Brown Act requirements as necessary..

Vote: UNAN
2009-07-13 2009-32 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the Director of Libraries to sign agreements with the First 5 Commission of Santa Cruz County for continuation in FY 2009-10 of the Fist Five Commission Grant..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-18 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the adoption of the FY 2009-2010 operating budget as outlined without reserves and includes Scenario 6..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-19 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board amend the above motion to direct staff to meet with City of Santa Cruz officials to discuss borrowing terms between the City and the Library..

Vote: AYES: Gerdt, Gorson, Stone, Storey, Mathews, Rotkin, Reed, Poitinger NAYES: Leopold
2009-06-01 2009-20 2009-04 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-04 authorizing the transfer and appropriation of $16,000 in income from the Richardson Trust to the FY 2009-2010 Budget for the purchase of library materials that meet the criteria established for the Trust..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-21 2009-05 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-05 authorizing the transfer and appropriation of $755 from the Finkeldey Trust to the FY 2009-2010 Budget for the purchase of library materials..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-22 2009-06 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-06 authorizing the transfer and appropriation of $10,000 in accrued McCaskill Trust for the Visually Impaired income to the FY 2009-2010 Budget for the purchase of library materials for this purpose.

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-23 2009-07 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-07 authorizing the transfer and appropriation of $5,000 in accrued McCaskill Trust for Local History income to the FY 2009-2010 Budget for the purchase of library materials for this purpose..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-24 2009-08 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-08 authorizing the transfer and appropriation of $18,018 in Felton Contingency Fund income to the FY 2009-2010 Budget for the purchase of library materials for the purpose of the new branch planning..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-25 2009-09 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-09 authorizing the elimination of position #706-001, Assistant Director, from the FY 2009-2010 Library Budget as of January 1, 2010..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-26 2009-10 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-10 authorizing the elimination of the following positions from the FY 2009-2010 Library Budget as of July 1, 2009: 725-003,150-008, 313-009, 151-015, 151-037, 150-027, 150-024, 151-006, 151-030, 185-025, 150-01, 185-008, 151-018, 106-011, 151-042, 185-017, 185-009, 185-021, 185-018.

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-27 2009-11 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-11 authorizing the reduction of the following positions from the FY 2009-2010 Library Budget as of July 1, 2009 from 40 hour FTE to 20 hour PTE: 132-003, 151-028, 149-016.

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-28 2009-12 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2009-12 authorizing the transfer of the following position from the FY 2009-2010 Library Budget as of July 1, 2009 from Public Services to Technical Services: 149-020.

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-29 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the Interim Library Director to work with City Human Resources Director to negotiate the continuation of a 10% furlough for all regular full-time library employees for FY 2009-2010. Any deferrals that individual bargaining units adopt that apply to the 2009-2010 furlough will be used to lessen the amount of the furlough time..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-30 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize a change in Library hours system-wide effective July 1, 2009 that reflect the hours in Scenario 6..

Vote: UNAN
2009-06-01 2009-31 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize savings from Scenario 6 to be transferred to a contingency fund..

Vote: UNAN
2009-05-11 2009-14 that the Board move to direct library management to return with a plan that does not close a branch and meets the current budget gap of $1.25 million..

Vote: AYES: Rotkin, Stone, Gerdt, Storey, Beiers, Leopold NAYES: Poitinger, Reed, Gorson
2009-05-11 2009-15 that the Board authorize library staff to budget $25,000 for the development of the KOHA project for FY 2009-2010..

Vote: AYES: Rotkin, Stone, Gerdt, Beiers, Leopold, Poitinger, Reed, Gorson NAYES: Storey
2009-05-11 2009-16 that by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the re-instatement of the $2.50 Request No Pick-up fine to begin on June 15, 2009..

Vote: UNAN
2009-05-11 2009-17 that the Library Joint Powers Board by motion authorize staff to file an LSTA Public Library Staff Education Program grant application to provide tuition reimbursement for regular employees Diane Cowen and Elizabeth Henry..

Vote: UNAN
2009-04-06 2009-11 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accept the Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2008 prepared by Caporicci & Larson, Certified Public Accountants..

Vote: UNAN
2009-04-06 2009-12 2009-03 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt Resolution #2009-03 eliminating the following vacant positions from the FY 2008-09 library budget: 25 hour Central Adult Reference Librarian/Subject Selector (149-013)20 hour Central Youth Services Library Assistant (150-029)40 hour Technical Services Librarian III, Lead Cataloger/Subject Selector (313-006).

Vote: UNAN
2009-04-06 2009-13 That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt the following budget guidelines: The Library System will strive to establish and maintain at least 5% of its annual budget for its ongoing cash reserves; At least 8% of the Library's operating budget should be dedicated to the Library's book and media budget (Motion 2007-12); Carry-over funds (funds encumbered but not yet spent) are not to be added into the next fiscal year's budget as new funds. Carry-overs are not to be encouraged. The Board will want a report in September each year from the Library Director and the SC City Finance Director on these carry-over projects and if they have a negative effect on the new fiscal year's budget in any way.; The Library Director at the Board's September meeting will report year-end fund balances approved by the City Finance Department to the Board. At that time, the Board may decide how the funds are to be used.;The Board will review, at a minimum, library expenditure and revenue statements every 4 months.; The Budget Subcommittee should continue to meet on a once a month basis during the 2009-10 fiscal year.; AMENDMENT Monthly (second preceding month) revenue, expense , and cash reports; 3-5 year long term projections in December focused on expenses and projected projects.

Vote: UNAN
2009-03-02 2009-08 that the Board move to direct library management to produce a 16-month-budget and that it will aim for being 4% below county revenue projections. Management will return with recommendations about a reserve and work with the board's budget sub-committee..

Vote: UNAN

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