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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2007-10-15 2007-27 That by motion the Board will not place a library sales tax measure on the February 5, 2008 ballot..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Mathews
2007-10-01 2007-26 That by motion the Board will meet to discuss the timing for the Sales Tax Renewal Vote Monday, October 15, 2007 at 7:00 p.m..

Vote: UNAN
2007-09-10 2007-21 2007-12 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board salutes all the people who volunteered time to the Library During FY 2006-07, and thanks them most sincerely for their efforts. RESO #12.

Vote: UNAN
2007-09-10 2007-22 2007-13 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2007-13 accepting a Library Services and Technology Act grant under the Early Learning with Families (ELF) program in the amount of $22,286 for expansion of the Family Place program. RESO #13.

Vote: UNAN
2007-09-10 2007-23 2007-14 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2007-14 accepting a Library Service and Technology Act grand under the Public Library Staff Education program in the amount of $10,760 for tuition reimbursement for three library employees..

Vote: UNAN
2007-09-10 2007-24 That by motion the Board adopt the following schedule of open hours for the December 2007 holiday season: 12/23/07-12/25/07: All facilities closed ( 12/25 is a holiday); 12/31/07: Close at 3pm at all facilities; 01/01/08: All facilities closed (01/01 is a holiday). Employees may take leave without pay, vacation time, or may work if they wish..

Vote: UNAN
2007-09-10 2007-25 That by motion the Board approve the Director's proposed response to 2006-07 Grand Jury Report and instruct the Director to file same with the Grand Jury..

Vote: UNAN
2007-07-02 2007-15 2007-06 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2007-06 directing the Director of Libraries to execute an addendum to the lease for space at 1543 Pacific Avenue to extend the term for six months to April 30, 2008, and to establish a holdover rate should the library occupy the premises after the expiration date. RESO #06.

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Stone
2007-07-02 2007-16 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the Director of Libraries to sign agreements with the First 5 Commission of Santa Cruz County for continuation in FY 2007-08 of the Read to Me and Family Place Grant Projects..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Stone
2007-07-02 2007-17 2007-07 That by motion the Board approve Resolution #2007-07 the Director's proposed changes in the Personnel Budget for FY 2007-08. RESO #07.

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Stone
2007-07-02 2007-18 That by motion the Board direct that the FY 2007-08 budget include staff to implement the additional open hours proposed by the Director to open Felton and Boulder Creek on Mondays..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gerdt, Poitinger, Rotkin, Termini NAYES: Gorson, Johnson, Mathews ABSENT: Stone
2007-07-02 2007-19 2007-8ff That the Board approved Resolution #2007-08, #2007-09, #2007-10, #2007-11 attached adopting FY 2007-08 Operating and Capital Equipment Budgets, and transferring and appropriating various trust fund revenues..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Stone
2007-07-02 2007-20 That the Board cancel the August 6, 2007 meeting and resume the regularly scheduled meeting being held on September 10, 2007..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Stone
2007-06-04 2007-12 That by motion the Board direct that the library materials budget be brought up to the 8% of the Operating Budget Standard for FY 2007-08..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Rotkin
2007-06-04 2007-13 That by motion the Board direct that the FY 2007-08 budget include staff to implement the additional open hours proposed by the Director to open Felton and Boulder Creek on Monday's. **Bring Back Motion in July.

Vote: AYES: Stone, Beautz, Termini, Gerdt NAYES: Johnson, Poitinger, Gorson, and Mathews ABSENT: Rotkin
2007-06-04 2007-14 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accept a distribution from the Ragnhild B. Kemme Trust in the amount of $50,000 designated for the Aptos Branch Library, and request that the City of Santa Cru z Finance Department hold the funds in an interest-bearing account until the Board decides upon an appropriate use..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Rotkin
2007-05-07 2007-11 That by motion the Board adopt the attached policy, "Decorum at Meetings of the Library Joint Powers Authority Board". Amendments: 1. Strike "public" from the following statement: "The following rules will govern public behavior at Board meetings." 2. Strike "three minutes" from #3 and add "time to be established by chair of the board"..

Vote: UNAN
2007-04-09 2007-07 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board direct staff to work with the City of Santa Cruz to develop a lease agreement for 14, 500 square feet at 212 Locust Street, and further: That the Board understands that while purchase of the building is the eventual objective, a lease arrangement between the owner and the City may be made as an interim measure, and further That the Board will review arrangements whereby the owner incorporates the Tenant Improvements (which are estimated as $40 to $60 per square foot) into the purchase prices. That the Board request that the County of Santa Cruz and the City of Santa Cruz assist the Library System by evenly sharing the fiscal liability in the event that the Library System sales tax renewal fails, and the Library System is unable to meet its payment obligations..

2007-04-09 2007-08 2007-04 That the Board adopt Resolution #2007-04 appropriating $130,900 in available revenue for the purchase of design services, software, and equipment for the upgrade of the Library's automation system. RESO# 04.

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Stone
2007-04-09 2007-09 2007-05 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2007-05 amending the FY 2006-07 budget to add or reclassify certain positions and assigned hours as per the attached Table. RESO# 05.

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Stone
2007-04-09 2007-10 That by motion the Board adopt the attached amendment to the Library Joint Powers Agreement regarding the term and amendment procedures, that the Board also consider such other amendments as may be proposed, and that each elected member present the amendment(s) to her/his legislative body for approval..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Stone
2007-03-05 2007-05 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board by motion authorize the staff to file an LSTA Public Library Staff Education Program grant application to provide tuition reimbursement for temporary employee Chela Lucas..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Poitinger, Johnson
2007-03-05 2007-06 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accept the Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2006 prepared by Caporicci & Larson, Certified Public Accountants..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Poitinger, Johnson
2007-02-05 2007-04 2007-03 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2007-03 ratifying the purchase of computer equipment from the Dell Computer Corporation of Round Rock, Texas in the amount of $219,981.64 RESO #03.

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Gorson
2007-01-08 2007-01 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board make a commitment to build a replacement Felton Branch on the Verutti property, as the primary site for consideration, and to inform the public of the intended site..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Termini, Mathews

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