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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2007-01-08 2007-02 2007-01 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2007-01 appropriating $30,000 from the Felton Reserve Fund for architectural design and other technical services for the Felton replacement branch, and that the Library FY 2006-07 budget be so amended. RESO #01.

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Termini, Mathews
2007-01-08 2007-03 2007-02 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2007-02 appropriating or transferring $236,000 from available revenues, budget savings, and the Technology Reserve Fund for the purchase of automation system equipment and other Upgrade Phase 1 activities, and that the FY 2006-07 capital budget be amended accordingly. RESO #02.

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Termini, Mathews
2006-12-04 2006-30 2006-13 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2006-13 appropriating an amount not to exceed $15,000 from available revenue for the development of plans and specifications for the Aptos Parking Lot expansion. RESO#13.

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Stone
2006-12-04 2006-31 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the attached legislative program for 2007, and that it request the County Board of Supervisors and the Capitola, Santa Cruz, and Scotts Valley City Councils to also actively support these measures by including them in their own legislative programs..

Vote: UNAN ABSENT: Stone
2006-09-11 2006-32 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accept an additional grant from the Santa Cruz County First 5 Commission in an amount not to exceed $18,000 for Year 1 activities in a Family Place Program, and authorize the Director of Libraries to implement a project budget..

Vote: UNAN
2006-09-11 2006-23 2006-09 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2006-09 accepting a grant under the LSTA Public Library Staff Education Program and amending the Library budget in the amount of $950. RESO #09.

Vote: UNAN
2006-09-11 2006-24 2006-10 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2006-10 accepting a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for public access hardware upgrading and amending the library budget in the amount of $30,000. RESO #10.

Vote: UNAN
2006-09-11 2006-25 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board amend the Library Conflict of Interest Code to delete and add certain titles on the attached list (See Appendix A)..

Vote: UNAN
2006-09-11 2006-26 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the following schedule of open hours for the December 2006 holiday season: 12/23/06-12/25/06: All Facilities Closed ( 12/25 is a holiday); 12/30/06-01/01/06: All Facilities Closed ( 01/01 is a holiday); Employees may take leave without pay, vacation time, or may work if they wish..

Vote: UNAN
2006-09-11 2006-27 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the open hours schedule below for the Felton Branch: Monday: Closed; Tuesday & Wednesday: 11am to 8pm; Thursday: 11am to 6pm; Friday: Noon to 5pm; Saturday: 10am to 5pm. Total Open Hours: 37.

Vote: UNAN
2006-09-11 2006-28 2006-11 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2006-11 appropriating $37,959 in unanticipated revenue from the State Library Foundation Program to the Books/Periodicals budget, appropriate $100,000 to the Reserve for Capital Projects, and adopt the revised Capital Projects and Equipment budget as per the attached Table (Exhibit A). RESO#11.

Vote: UNAN
2006-09-11 2006-29 2006-12 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2006-12 saluting all the people who have volunteered their time to the Library during FY 2005-06, and to thank them most sincerely for all their efforts. RESO#12.

Vote: UNAN
2006-06-05 2006-15 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the Director of Libraries to sign a contract with the First 5 Commission of Santa Cruz County for continuation in FY 2006-07 of a modified Read to Me Grant Project.

Vote: UNAN
2006-06-05 2006-16 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the Director of Libraries to work with staff to devise a system whereby library patrons who fail to pick up a requested item are not charged the $2.50 Request No Pick-up fine for the first instance, but are charged the fine for subsequent failures to pick up requested items..

Vote: UNAN
2006-06-05 2006-17 That by motion the Board direct the Director of Libraries to undertake a classification and job specification study of certain library positions during FY 2006-07, working with the City Human Resources Department and a staff task force as appropriate..

Vote: UNAN
2006-06-05 2006-22 2006-04 that the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Board adopt Resolution 2006-04 Adopting a Budget for the Fiscal Year 2006-07, as proposed in various documents plus Exhibit A. The documents include FY 2006-07 Revenue & Expense Summary, Personnel Budget including Added Personnel, Supplies and Services Budget, Capital Projects & Equipment Purchases. RESO #04.

Vote: UNAN
2006-06-05 2006-18 2006-05 that the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Board adopt Resolution 2006-05 authorizing the $12,000 in anticipated income from the Richardson Trust be transferred and appropriated to the FY 2006-07 Budget for the purchase of library materials that meet the criteria established for the Trust. RESO #05.

Vote: UNAN
2006-06-05 2006-19 2006-06 that the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Board adopt Resolution 2006-06 authorizing the $5,000 in accrued McCaskill Trust for Local history income be transferred and appropriated to the FY 2006-07 Budget for the purchase of Library materials for this purpose. RESO #06.

Vote: UNAN
2006-06-05 2006-20 2006-07 that the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Board adopt Resolution 2006-07 authorizing the $6,300 in accrued McCaskill Trust for the Visually Impaired income be transferred and appropriated to the FY 2006-07 Budget for the purchase of library materials for this purpose. RESO #07.

Vote: UNAN
2006-06-05 2006-21 2006-08 that the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Board approve Resolution 2006-08 authorizing the $755 in anticipated interest income from the Finkeldey Trust be transferred and appropriated to the FY 2006-06 Budget for the purchase of library music materials. RESO #08.

Vote: UNAN
2006-05-08 2006-14 2006-03 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a resolution authorizing amendment to the Scotts Valley Branch Library Lease with Kings Village Shopping Center to extend the term through 2012, contingent upon the approval of the Santa Cruz City Council. RESO #03.

Vote: UNAN
2006-04-03 2006-13 2006-02 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a resolution appropriating additional FY 2005-06 revenue in the amount of $37,000 and amending the FY 2005-06 budget a per the appropriations. RESO #02.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Beautz
2006-03-06 2006-10 that the Board approve the agenda of March 6, 2006.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Rotkin; Johnson; Stone
2006-03-06 2006-11 that the Board approve the minutes of February 6, 2006.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Rotkin; Johnson; Stone
2006-03-06 2006-12 that the Board accept the Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2005 prepared by Caporicci & Larson, Certified Public Accountants with the amendment to change "shortfall" on page 3 under Financial Highlights to read "surplus"..

Vote: UNAN Absent: Rotkin; Johnson; Stone

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