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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2004-12-06 2004-28 That the Board thank retiring employees for their years of excellent service and instruct the Chair to write letters to each retiring employee conveying the Board's appreciation. .

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini ABSENT: Johnson
2004-12-06 2004-29 That the Board instruct the Chair to write a letter to Gail Ortiz conveying the Board's appreciation for her years of excellent service and direct staff to purchase a frameable type plaque conveying the Library's appreciation. .

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini ABSENT: Johnson
2004-12-06 2004-30 That the Board agree to change the regularly scheduled January meeting from January 3, 2005 to January 10, 2005 unless it creates a conflict for Councilmember Johnson. The Board further instructed the Director of Libraries to contact Councilmember Johnson to ascertain his attendance and notify the other board members of his decision..

Vote: UNAN
2004-09-13 2004-18 2004-06 that the Library Joint Powers Board approve the Library Joint Powers Authority Conflict of Interest Code with a single change in position designation. RESO # 2004-06.

Vote: UNAN
2004-09-13 2004-19 2004-07 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a resolution amending the FY 2004-05 Budget to draw $15,000 from Reserve Funds for the purchase of worker safety equipment and projects. RESO # 2004-07.

Vote: UNAN
2004-09-13 2004-20 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board wishes the Library to remain open throughout the month of December rather than close from December 19th through 26th..

Vote: UNAN
2004-09-13 2004-21 2004-08 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a resolution accepting an initial grant in the amount of $710 and further payments yet to be determined to provide tuition reimbursement for employee Kari Gunn under the LSTA Public Library Staff Education Program, amending the FY 2004-05 Operating Budget in the amount of $1,464.00 for this purpose. RESO # 2004-08.

Vote: UNAN
2004-09-13 2004-22 2004-09 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt by Resolution a capital equipment budget for FY 2004-05 in the amount of $147,883. RESO # 2004-09.

Vote: UNAN
2004-09-13 2004-23 that the Board agree to talk further at the December meeting regarding the projects laid out in the Director's September 1, 2004 memo entitled "Library Capital Improvement Program.".

Vote: UNAN
2004-09-13 2004-24 that the Board agree to cancel the next regularly scheduled meetings on October 4, 2004 and November 1, 2004 unless convened by the Chair due to an emergency. Therefore, the next regular meeting will be Monday, December 6, 2004 in the Community Meeting Room of the Central Branch Library..

2004-06-07 2004-14 that the board commission the director to bring back a formal report describing a plan to respond to and implement the study that has been done; to explain what has already been implemented; to suggest which things would be implemented if funds were available and to outline a plan for implementation for things which will take time to accomplish. A friendly amendment was made by Citizen Gorson to include in the motion the concept of not only reducing workers' compensation claims but to provide a healthy and safe work place for staff as part of a larger strategy that would go beyond implementing the suggestions made in the study..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Johnson, Mathews, Ortiz, Rotkin ABSENT: Stone
2004-06-07 2004-15 2004-04 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt the Budget of the Santa Cruz City-County Library System for the fiscal year 2004-2005, as proposed in various documents on file with the Clerk of the Board, including supplement Exhibit A. Reso # 2004-04.

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Johnson, Mathews, Ortiz, Rotkin ABSENT: Stone
2004-06-07 2004-16 that the Library Joint Powers Board move at least $15,000 in the FY 2004-2005 budget from reserves towards a safety program to reduce staff injuries and provide a safe work place; and, further directing that the Director make recommendations for use of these funds in her report implementing other objectives in the White study after discussion with library staff..

Vote: AYES: Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Ortiz, Rotkin NAYES: Beautz, Mathews, Johnson ABSENT: Stone
2004-06-07 2004-17 2004-05 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a resolution endorsing Patriot Day in Santa Cruz County and the activities being organized to celebrate it. RESO # 2004-05.

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Johnson, Mathews, Ortiz, Rotkin ABSENT: Stone
2004-05-24 2004-13 that the Board request the Director to return to the June meeting with a provisional draft budget depending on the latest available information from the State legislature; incorporating items 1 through 5 of the FY 2004-05 deficit covering proposals; suggesting provisions for possible capital outlay expenditures according to her judgment with the understanding that this is not necessarily the final budget.

Vote: UNAN
2004-05-03 2004-12A (A). that a resolution 2004-03 be passed stating that the Board congratulates Linda White on her award from the First 5 Commission, and thanks her on behalf of all the people of Santa Cruz County for her excellent service to children..

Vote: UNAN
2004-05-03 2004-12C (C). that the Director initiate a modest fee of $10.00 per test for all tests monitored by library staff and provide a report once the program has been in place for a number of months..

Vote: AYES: Bunnett, Gorson, Mathews, Ortiz, Rotkin NAYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Johnson, Stone
2004-05-03 2004-12B (B). that the Director invite Pat Busch and a staff member from the County Auditor's office to attend the June meeting to discuss how this error occurred and to suggest safeguards to avoid this type of error in the future..

Vote: UNAN
2004-03-01 2004-08 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt resolution 2004-02 accepting a Library Services and Technology English Language Literacy Intensive (ELLI) Transition Grant in the amount of $10,000, and amending the FY 2003-04 Budget to reflect grant activities.

Vote: UNAN
2004-03-01 2004-09 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accept the Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for the Year ended June 30, 2003 prepared by Caporicci & Larson, Certified Public Accountants.

Vote: UNAN
2004-03-01 2004-10 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board ask the Director to compile information answering budget questions the Board raised during this meeting including the amount of savings achieved by cuts in each particular area discussed heretofore; that the information be compiled in one package including memos received by the Board previously and/or any new available information; and, if the Director believes a budget subcommittee would be useful, to ask the Chair to appoint a committee.

Vote: UNAN
2004-03-01 2004-11 that the Board cancel the April meeting and meet on May 3rd at 7:30PM publicly and with a Closed Session if necessary at 6:30PM.

Vote: UNAN
2004-02-02 2004-03 that the Board agree to move statements from the citizen member candidates prior to staff reports.

Vote: UNAN
2004-02-02 2004-04 that the Library Joint Powers Board close all Library branches from Tuesday, April 6, 2004 through Saturday, April 10, 2004, and that in addition, the Central Branch remain closed on Sunday, April 11, 2004. .

Vote: UNAN
2004-02-02 2004-05 that the Library Joint Powers Board revise the Library System fine policy to impose fines on overdue materials checked out by children 13 and under at the rate of $.025 per day..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Campbell, Gaughan, Johnson, Mathews, Ortiz, Rotkin, Stone NAYES: Gaughan

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