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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2005-06-16 2005-22 2005-15 Resolution of the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Authority Board Transferring and Appropriating Funds from The McCaskill Trust for the Visually Impaired RESO # 15.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Beautz
2005-06-16 2005-23 2005-16 Resolution of the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Authority Board Transferring and Appropriating Funds from The Richardson Trust RESO # 16.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Beautz
2005-06-16 2005-24 2005-17 Resolution of the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Authority Board Transferring and Appropriating Funds from The Finkeldey Trust RESO # 17.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Beautz
2005-06-06 2005-15 that the minutes of May 2, 2005 be approved with the following corrections:Leslie Scanagatta is the SEIU Representative, not the SEIU Steward. Richard Gaughan's name was spelled "Vaughan" in 2 instances..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Johnson, Mathews, Termini, Stone: ABSTAINED: Rotkin
2005-06-06 2005-16 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the Director of Libraries to sign a contract with the First Five Commission of Santa Cruz County for continuation in FY 2005-06 of the Read to Me Grant Project..

Vote: UNAN
2005-06-06 2005-17 that the Chair appoint a subcommittee made up of Supervisor Stone and one other Board member to join with the Director in discussions with appropriate parties from the School System. Richard Gaughan agreed to be a member of the committee..

Vote: UNAN
2005-06-06 2005-18 that the Library Joint Powers Board direct the Chair to work with the Library Director on guidelines for the communication policy between board members and various staff members, using the discussion in this meeting to set the direction of the policy..

Vote: UNAN
2005-05-02 2005-13 that the Minutes of April 4, 2005 be approved with the following correction: Leigh Poitinger was present at the April 4, 2005 meeting. Her name was inadvertently omitted from the minutes.

Vote: UNAN
2005-05-02 2005-14 that the Library Joint Powers Board create a policy not to close branches, commit that we are going to make the policy of not closing branches the cornerstone of how we handle our budget process and declare that keeping branches open is a core service.

Vote: UNAN
2005-04-04 2005-12A (A). That the Minutes of February 6, 2005 be approved with the following corrections: Item IV, A, Motion 3, "the policy regarding the geographic diversity of citizen members is that the City of Santa Cruz shall be defined as the area within the legal city limits, with the addition of the North Coast area congruent with Supervisorial District 3"- the vote was erroneously listed as 7 AYES. The vote was actually 4 to 3, AYES from Beautz, Mathews, Rotkin, Termini; NAYES from Gorson, Gaughan and Stone. Councilmember Johnson was absent. Item IV, A, Motion 4 -erroneously stated that Chair Gaughan made the motion to close the nominations and elect Leigh Poitinger. The motion was actually made by Councilmember Rotkin..

Vote: Ayes: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Poitinger, Rotkin, Termini, Stone Abstained: Johnson
2005-04-04 2005-12B (B). that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accept the Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2004 prepared by Caporicci & Larson, Certified Public Accountants.

Vote: UNAN
2005-02-07 2005-04 That the Minutes of January 10, 2005 be approved with the following correction: Item XI, B, Appointment of Citizen Member: After the initial vote with 5 in favor, the Board was polled again to unanimously approve the new member, Mark Kalow.-.

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Mathews, Termini, Stone ABSTAINED: Rotkin, Gorson
2005-02-07 2005-05 That the Board vote to reconsider the Citizen Appointment..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini-Absent: Johnson
2005-02-07 2005-06 That the Board vote to rescind the earlier citizen appointment..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini-Absent: Johnson
2005-02-07 2005-07 That the policy regarding the geographic diversity of citizen members is that the City of Santa Cruz shall be defined as the area within the legal city limits, with the addition of the North Coast area congruent with Supervisorial District 3. .

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini-Absent: Johnson
2005-02-07 2005-08 That nominations be closed and that Leigh Poitinger be elected citizen member for the City of Santa Cruz. .

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini-Absent: Johnson
2005-02-07 2005-09 2005-01 That the Director's recommendation to adopt a resolution authorizing amendment of the lease for the Headquarters offices at 1543 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, reflecting a reduction in rent, be accepted. RESO #1.

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini Abstained: Leigh Poitinger Absent: Randy Johnson
2005-02-07 2005-10 That Richard Gaughan be nominated to serve another year as Chair of the Library Joint Powers Board. Absent further nominations Citizen Gaughan was elected Chair. .

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Poitinger, Stone, Termini-Absent: Johnson
2005-02-07 2005-11 that Michael Termini be nominated to serve as Vice-Chair of the Library Joint Powers Board. Absent further nominations, Councilmember Termini was elected Vice-Chair..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Poitinger, Stone-Absent: Johnson
2005-01-10 2005-01 That the Agenda be approved with one change, moving Other Business Item 1, Hear Oral Presentations from Citizen Candidates" to the beginning of the Agenda.

Vote: UNAN
2005-01-10 2005-02 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the Legislative Program for 2005 presented by the Director of Libraries and that it request the County Board of Supervisors and the Capitola, Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley City Councils to also actively support these measures by including them in their own legislative programs: STATE - California Public Library Foundation PLF; Protect Local Property Taxes, Oppose Further Shifts, and Restore ERAF Funds to Local Jurisdictions; Support All Types of Libraries. STATE AND FEDERAL - Telecommunications: Discounted Rates for Libraries; Confidentiality of Library Patron Records. FEDERAL - Library Services and Technology Act Funding. In addition, the motion included the instruction for the Director of Libraries to return in February with a Legislative Program component on the Library Construction Act of 2006.

Vote: UNAN
2005-01-10 2005-03 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the State and Federal legislation entitled "Open Access to Information in Any Format" that opposes legislation jeopardizing open access to information..

Vote: AYES: Beautz,Bunnett,Gaughan,Mathews, Stone,Termini NAYES:Johnson
2004-12-06 2004-25 2004-10 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board approve Resolution 2004-10 to modify three library positions and amend the budget for the Fiscal Year 2004-05..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini ABSENT: Johnson
2004-12-06 2004-26 2004-11 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board approve Resolution 2004-11 empowering the Director of Libraries to execute an amendment of the lease agreement with the City of Capitola extending the term of the Capitola Branch Library located at 2005 Capitola Road for an additional thirty-six months, to expire on approximately January 10, 2008. .

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini-ABSENT: Johnson
2004-12-06 2004-27 That the Board allow those applicants not at the December 6th meeting to make a short presentation at the January meeting and that the Board then make a decision and appoint the citizen member during the January meeting. .

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Rotkin, Stone, Termini-ABSENT: Johnson

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