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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2004-02-02 2004-06 that the Board appoint a subcommittee to work with the Director to investigate space needs for Central Branch, Administration, Technical Services and Outreach; that the committee include Chair Gaughan, Councilmember Rotkin and Supervisor Beautz as chair; that members of the public, the Board and the Director suggest ex officio members to meet regularly with the committee..

Vote: UNAN
2004-02-02 2004-07 2004-01 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt Resolution 2004-01 urging the Governor to reverse his decision to take more local property tax from the County Library Fund..

Vote: UNAN
2004-01-12 2004-01 that Director Turner issue an additional press release indicating that the Board is seeking applicants to fill the citizen position and is disposed to choose someone from the mid-county area; that applicants are invited but not required to address the Board for up to 3 minutes at the February 2ndmeeting; that a decision will be attempted but not guaranteed at the March 1st meeting; and finally, that the Board ask Citizen Campbell to continue to serve until a replacement is appointed.

Vote: UNAN
2004-01-12 2004-02 that the Library Joint Powers Board direct the negotiator to seek $100,000 in savings by furloughing staff; that library staff respond to all verbal and spoken suggestions given by the public, staff and board this evening; that the board retire to closed session after this meeting to discuss possible changes in management positions and that staff continue to investigate and report back on options to the Pacific Avenue property.

Vote: UNAN
2003-12-01 2003-33 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize the Director of Libraries to execute a contract with the Santa Cruz County First 5 Commission to implement Year 3 of the READ TO ME! Project, amending the Library budget in the amount of $117,903, and adding certain positions..

Vote: UNAN
2003-12-01 2003-34 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the interim legislative program for 2004 proposed by the Director of Libraries, and that I request the County Board of Supervisors and the Capitola, Santa Cruz, and Scotts Valley City Councils to also actively support these measures by including them in their own legislative programs..

Vote: UNAN
2003-11-03 2003-30 to approve the minutes as submitted with the following addition: on page 3, paragraph 7, line 3 of Staff Reports, Supervisor Beautz requested that the minutes reflect that the report comparing repetitive motion injuries with injury rates in comparable library systems was promised for January 2004..

Vote: UNAN
2003-11-03 2003-31 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the Director of Libraries recommendation to accept the Budget of the Santa Cruz City-County Library System for the fiscal year 2003-2004, as proposed in that certain document entitled "Santa Cruz City-County Library System 2003-2004 Proposed Annual Budget," on file with the Clerk of the Board, as amended by the Board for the fiscal year 2003-2004, including the attached supplements Exhibit A and Exhibit B, and to further amend the FY 2003-04 budget to cut funds sufficient to cover the deficit encompassed in this budget no later than January 2004.

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Gaughan, Mathews, Rotkin NOES: Johnson, Ortiz ABSENT: Campbell
2003-11-03 2003-32 that a study session for the entire Board be convened to discuss library services, future trends and other information that the Director feels will be useful and that this session take place on December 1, 2003 at 6PM, following the regularly scheduled Board meeting..

Vote: UNAN
2003-10-06 2003-24 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a resolution accepting a grant in the amount of $1,382.00 to provide tuition reimbursement for employee Kari Gunn under the LSTA Public Library Staff Education Program, and amending the FY 2003-2004 Operating Budget for this purpose.

Vote: UNAN
2003-10-06 2003-26 that the Board, on the basis of emergency, briefly consider the issue of future parking at the Capitola Branch library at this time in the meeting.

Vote: UNAN
2003-10-06 2003-27 that the Board direct the Chair and the Director of Libraries to solicit information from the Capitola Branch library staff regarding the current parking situation and the necessity and adequacy of what exists; to use that information to determine if a comment from the Board about the adequacy of the parking is appropriate to the EIR process; and to make such a comment in writing to the City of Capitola Redevelopment Agency within the prescribed time period for public comment.

Vote: UNAN
2003-10-06 2003-28 that the Board approve the revisions to the personnel budget but delay acting on the budget resolution until precise figures are received..

Vote: UNAN
2003-10-06 2003-29 "that the Board approve the Library Director's recommendation that the Santa Cruz Public Libraries will not comply with the requirement to install Internet blocking software on library computers at this time, as imposed by the Childhood Internet Protection Act (CIPA) in order to receive certain federal grant funds and subsidies; that the word ""all"" will be changed to ""many"" in the 4th ""whereas"" clause of the Resolution; and in addition, that Staff will come back to the Board if more problems should develop on this issue".

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Campbell, Gaughan, Mathews, Ortiz, Rotkin NOES: Johnson ABSENT: Almquist
2003-09-22 2003-23 That the Board approve the Director of Library's recommendation for revising the FY 2003-04 budget and direct her to provide a revised budget at the October 6, 2003 meeting..

Vote: AYES: Beautz, Bunnett, Campbell, Gaughan, Mathews, Ortiz, Rotkin NOES: Johnson ABSENT: Almquist
2003-09-08 2003-15 That the Board approve the Agenda as presented, but that it add Item 11B, Library Budget Deficit, which would include a report on the Closed Session held prior to the Open Meeting, that the Board schedule a special meeting on Monday, September 22, 2003 at 6:30 PM for the sole purpose of discussing a revised budget which would include projected revenues and also any necessary cutbacks and the Director develop a report that would be available to the public prior to that meeting and that the meeting include a report from the City of Santa Cruz Finance Department.

Vote: UNAN
2003-09-08 2003-16 That the Meeting Room rental rate be increased from $5.00 to $10.00 per hour..

Vote: UNAN
2003-09-08 2003-17 That the fee for failure to pick up a requested book be restored and set at $2.50 per occurrence. .

Vote: UNAN
2003-09-08 2003-18 That Adults without Borrower Cards be charged $5.00 for each use of a Library Internet Workstation.

Vote: UNAN
2003-09-08 2003-19 That Library Staff be instructed to annually review and update as appropriate the replacement fees charged for lost or damaged items. .

Vote: UNAN
2003-09-08 2003-20 That charges for use of public copiers be raised from 10 cents to 15 cents per copy commencing October 1st..

Vote: UNAN
2003-09-08 2003-21 That by motion the Library Joint Powers Board adopt the list of Library Staff Work Objectives dated July 17, 2003 as presented at the Board's September 8, 2003 meeting..

Vote: UNAN
2003-09-08 2003-22 That a special meeting be convened on Monday, September 22, 2003 at 6:30 PM with the understanding that the Board may convene a closed session after that meeting. .

Vote: UNAN
2003-06-02 2003-12 That the Library Joint Powers Board approve the proposed FY 2003-04 library budget as recommended by the Director of Libraries with the following changes: Reduce the amount allocated for Reserves from $100,000 to $80,000 and use the freed-up revenue for open hours amelioration at branches outside the City of Santa Cruz; Discontinue advertising in the Yellow Pages; Report back in September on our sewage/garbage/recycling charges including investigation of the cost to change the sewage system at Boulder Creek; Investigate and report back by December about renegotiating the cost of alternative space to 1543 Pacific Avenue; Direct the Director of Libraries to request a presentation in September from the City of Santa Cruz outlining the services the City provides to the Library for the 5.5% that is allocated to them. A friendly amendment was added directing the Director of Libraries to provide information about the nature and structure of System Reference Services..

Vote: AYES: Almquist, Beautz, Bunnett, Campbell, Gaughan, Ortiz, Rotkin NOES: Johnson ABSENT: Mathews
2003-06-02 2003-13 The Board unanimously approved transferring and appropriating funds in the amount of $5,000 in accrued McCaskill Trust for Local History income be appropriated to the FY 2003-04 Budget for the purchase of library materials for this purpose..

Vote: UNAN

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