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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2000-04-03 2000-14 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Libraries to execute an installment purchase agreement with Municipal Leasing Associates, Inc. and by motion approving a corresponding Budget Adjustment Request in the amount of $416,500.00.

Vote: UNAN
2000-04-03 2000-15 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Libraries to execute an installment purchase agreement with Municipal Leasing Associates, Inc. and by motion approving a corresponding Budget Adjustment Request in the amount of $416,500.0.

Vote: UNAN
2000-04-03 2000-16 that the Tier System Concept currently being used by the Library System be retained..

Vote: UNAN
2000-04-03 2000-17 that the proposed service area projections be used as a rough guide by the Library System to determine the level of services provided to each branch.

Vote: UNAN
2000-04-03 2000-18 that the Board should be planning for the future bounded by the realities of the present and using "build out" and others statistics as a guide.

Vote: UNAN
2000-03-06 2000-10 That the Library Joint Powers Authority approve the nomination and election of Toni Campbell as Chair of the Library Joint Powers Board and Margaret Fabrizio as Vice-chair of the Library Joint Powers Board for an additional year..

Vote: UNAN
2000-03-06 2000-11 That the Library Joint Powers Board approve the change in LaSelva Beach Branch open hours as presented in the Director of libraries memo dated February 29, 2000..

Vote: UNAN
2000-03-06 2000-12 2000-05 That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution # 2000-05 agreeing to participate in the public programming project "Fast Forward: Science, Technology and the Communications Revolution,"; that it accept a cash grant not to exceed $1,800 for project activities, and that it amend the FY 1999-2000 operating budget accordingly..

Vote: UNAN
2000-02-07 2000-04 That the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate an amount not to exceed $15,000 from available revenue for design services for the expansion of the Garfield Park Branch Library..

Vote: UNAN
2000-02-07 2000-05 That staff to bring back to the board a report on the feasibility of informing the public of the most recent materials acquisitions at the libraries; the frequency of checking out fiction vs. non-fiction; and a way to continue exploring greater opportunities for volunteers to interact with the library .

Vote: UNAN
2000-02-07 2000-06 2000-03 That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution No. 2000-03 accepting the bid of Quest, Inc. in the amount of $416,840 for abatement of the asbestos at the Central Branch Library and authorizing the Director of Libraries to execute an agreement for same..

Vote: UNAN
2000-02-07 2000-07 That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a resolution appropriating $684,000 for various asbestos abatement activities, and that by motion it authorize the Director of Libraries to seek $409,000 in installment purchase funds for reconstruction activities..

Vote: UNAN
2000-02-07 2000-08 That the Library Joint Powers Board, by motion, authorize the Director of Libraries to rent approximately 2,466 square feet at 212 Locust Street, Santa Cruz, from the Georgiana Bruce Kirby Preparatory School for use during asbestos abatement at the Central Branch Library..

Vote: UNAN
2000-02-07 2000-09 That the Library Joint Powers Board, by motion, approve plans and specifications for Central Branch post-abatement reconstruction activities, and authorize staff to advertise for bids, with the caveat that the Board Chair approve the specifications..

Vote: UNAN
2000-01-03 2000-01 2001-01 that the Recommended Consent Agenda of January 3, 2000 be accepted. That The Board adopt Resolution 2001-01 accepting the Gates Learning Foundation Grant.

Vote: UNAN
2000-01-03 2000-02 that the Library Joint Powers Board name the Children's Reading Room at the Boulder Creek Branch Library, the Anne J. Gulliver Children's Room..

Vote: UNAN
2000-01-03 2000-03 that we approve the proposed bylaw revisions as suggested and choose not to adopt a policy to set a term limit on the Chair of the Library Board..

Vote: UNAN
1999-12-06 1999-31 that the Library Board adopt the legislative program as proposed by the Director of Libraries.

Vote: UNAN
1999-12-06 1999-32 that the Directors of Libraries return to the February meeting with a presentation on comparisons of facilities standards for California Counties and that the discussion regarding the Scotts Valley Library be postponed until March..

Vote: UNAN
1999-11-08 1999-25 that the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $5,540 in available funds from the McCaskill Trust for Local History to continue the scanning/cataloging of local history photographs and complete work on the Executive Order 9066 web site. .

Vote: UNAN
1999-11-08 1999-26 that the Library Joint Powers Board approve changing Position #206-410, Library Assistant, from half time to full time, and also approve changing Position #215-427, Library Clerk, from full time to half time..

Vote: UNAN
1999-11-08 1999-27 that the Board postpone the discussion of the Scotts Valley Branch size until the December 6th meeting. .

Vote: UNAN
1999-11-08 1999-28 that the Library Joint Powers Board authorize the Director of Libraries take the following actions: Contract with a certified asbestos consultant to prepare bid specifications and provide bid response analysis services for Central Branch asbestos abatement work using two alternative project time schedules. Contract with a certified asbestos consultant to prepare bid specifications for project implementation oversight. Conduct bid solicitation and analysis for the project. Report at the December meeting with a schedule describing how library services will be organized while the Central Branch is closed for abatement.

Vote: UNAN
1999-11-08 1999-29 that the Library Joint Powers Board affirm its existing library materials and services policy, which stipulates that the Library System does not distinguish or discriminate on the basis of the age of the community resident, and that it declare that this policy applies to use of the Internet by minors..

Vote: UNAN
1999-11-08 1999-30 that the Library Joint Powers Board postpone the discussion of revised square footage standards for library facilities until the December 6th meeting..

Vote: UNAN

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