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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2000-11-06 2000-34 2000-15 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution # 2000-15 appropriating $54,000 to complete design work in all categories for the Garfield Park Branch Library Renovation Project, and that it so amend the FY 2000-2001 Capital Improvement Budget. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2000-11-06 2000-35 that the Library Joint Powers Board amend the schedule of patron fines by dropping the fine imposed for failure to pick up a requested item. . The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2000-11-06 2000-36 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt the proposed legislative program for 2001, and that it request the County Board of Supervisors and the Capitola, Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley City Councils to actively support these measures by including them in their own legislative programs. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2000-11-06 2000-37 2000-16 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution # 2000-16 authorize and direct the Director of Libraries to execute the lease agreement with the Belardi Memorial Board. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2000-11-06 2000-38 that the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Library Joint Powers Board on December 4, 2000 be cancelled and that the Director of Libraries ask the respective City Councils to appoint their new representatives by January 2, 2000 and additionally, that the Director give all new board members an orientation prior to the meeting scheduled for January 8, 2001. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2000-10-02 2000-31 (A). that the Library Joint Powers Board appeal to the Santa Cruz City Council the decision of the Historic Preservation Commission to choose their design over the design preferred by the Library Joint Powers Board. (B). that the Library Joint Powers Board agree to pay an additional $350 per month to the Faye G. Belardi Board for lease of the Felton Branch Library and that this rent be paid retroactively to August 1, 2000, once a copy of a signed written lease is received from the Belardi Board (C). that no formal policy be adopted regarding communications between the Library Board and library staff but that the Board endorse the approach taken by the Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners by including their communications policy in handbook materials given to the Library Board. (D). that the Board direct staff to develop language amending the item on page 14, Proposed Automobile and Parking Lot Standards (E). that the Board adopts the standards set out in the briefing papers clarifying that the goals in place are subject to change depending on the particular conditions of the site.

Vote: UNAN
2000-09-11 2000-24 2000-10 that the Library Joint Powers Authority adopt a Resolution # 2000-10 appropriating $4,500 in available funds from the McCaskill Trust for Local History to expand the Library System's collection of local history photographs via a Santa Cruz County Landmarks 2001 project. .

Vote: UNAN
2000-09-11 2000-25 2000-11 that the Library Joint Powers Authority by Resolution 2000-11 accept an AB2766 Motor Vehicle Emission Reduction Grant in the amount of $3,709 to purchase a compresses natural gas cargo van and that the Board authorize the Director of Libraries to enter into a contract on behalf of the Library System with the Air Pollution Control Board, and further, that it appropriate $16,291 in available revenue to provide sufficient matching money for the van purchase.

Vote: UNAN
2000-09-11 2000-26 that the Library Joint Powers Board close the Central Branch Library on Sunday, December 24, 2000 and Sunday, December 31, 2000.

Vote: UNAN
2000-09-11 2000-27 2000-12 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution # 2000-12 appropriating an amount not to exceed $75,000 from available revenue for the replacement of the Aptos Branch Heating and Ventilation System..

Vote: UNAN
2000-09-11 2000-28 2000-13 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution # 2000-13 accepting a Library Services and Technology Grant in the amount of $22,100, for the retrospective conversion of the County Law Library Collection and that it authorize the Director of Libraries to sign required certifications and claims under the terms of the Grant, and that it request the County of Santa Cruz to pay over to the Library System its contribution of $22,365..

Vote: UNAN
2000-09-11 2000-29 that the Board asks the Chair to provide appropriate public recognition of the Director's position as President Elect of the California Library Association.

Vote: UNAN
2000-09-11 2000-30 that the Library Joint Powers Board Chair send a letter to the Historic Preservation Commission stating that the Library Board enthusiastically supports the proposed addition to the Garfield Park Library, finds it compatible and compliant with the Secretary of the Interior Standards, believes it would bring new life to a much loved historic building making it usable for the 21st Century and that the Board approves the appeal that will be made to the Santa Cruz City Council..

Vote: UNAN
2000-06-05 2000-22 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accept and approve by motion the recommendations resulting from a classification and compensation study of Librarians positions conducted by Johnson & Associates..

Vote: AYES: Almquist, Beautz, Bunnett, Campbell Gaughan, Mathews, Ortiz, Rotkin NAY: Johnson
2000-06-05 2000-23G 2000-09 (G). That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution 2000-09 approving the FY 2000-2001 Operating Budget in the amount of $10,212,056 as per detail sheets and Tables provided in the Library Joint Powers Board FY 2000-2001 Budget..

Vote: UNAN
2000-06-05 2000-23A 2000-08 (A). that the Board adopt a Resolution # 2000-08 authorizing membership of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, a City County System in the Golden Gateway Library Network and authorizes the Director of Libraries to sign the Golden Gateway Library Network Membership Application Form.

Vote: UNAN
2000-06-05 2000-23B (B). that the Library Joint Powers Board approve by motion the Library System's application for an AB2766 Emission Reduction Grant to purchase a compressed natural gas cargo van for the Library System.

Vote: UNAN
2000-06-05 2000-23C (C). That the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $6,788.00 in available funds from the McCaskill Trust for Local History to continue the scanning/cataloging of local history photographs..

Vote: UNAN
2000-06-05 2000-23D (D).That the Board defer decisions about new programming, including open hours and that the Director of Libraries prepare a report for the September 11th meeting about additional programs, service standards, and library priorities..

Vote: UNAN
2000-06-05 2000-23E (E). That the Belardi Board request for additional rent for the Felton Branch be deferred and that the Director of Libraries confer with the Belardi Board to develop a rent agreement that represents the interests of the Library Board as well as that of the Belardi Board.

Vote: UNAN
2000-06-05 2000-23F (F). That the Board instruct the Director of Libraries to proceed expeditiously with a bid process to replace the Aptos Branch roof, the funds for this project to be taken from existing available revenue or reserves, and payback made at a later date.

Vote: UNAN
2000-05-01 2000-19 that the original office space plan which included adding a 2nd story to the proposed Felton Library be approved, incurring the extra time that it would take to accomplish this.

Vote: UNAN
2000-05-01 2000-20 That the Chair be authorized to approve change orders for the Central Branch Ceiling Replacement project that arise before the next scheduled boar meeting..

Vote: UNAN
2000-05-01 2000-21 That funds to support the Central Branch Ceiling Reconstruction Change Order #2 be appropriated from available revenue.

Vote: UNAN
2000-04-03 2000-13 2000-04 that the Board adopt a Resolution # 2000-04 accepting the bid for the Central Branch Ceiling Replacement Project and authorizing and directing the Director of Libraries to execute an agreement between the Library System and Wamsher Construction Corp..

Vote: UNAN

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