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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2001-09-10 2001-25 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board approve the population and size revisions in the Standards for Library Services and Facilities..

Vote: UNAN
2001-09-10 2001-26 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt the FY 2001/2 -FY 2005/6 Master Plan for Facilities for the Santa Cruz County Library System, including direction that the Board propose to Scotts Valley that 1,500 square feet be added to the Scotts Valley Library for the Outreach Program, for which the Authority would pay the local cost..

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-13 that the Board add an item to the Agenda directing staff to enter into an agreement with Powell's Maintenance for janitorial services at nine branch libraries. The contract was awarded in mid-May and action is required prior to the next meeting. The item was added to the Agenda as Item 10 f. The motion carried unanimously (Councilmembers Krohn and Fitzmaurice absent)..

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-14 that the Board ratify the Library staff's filing of the application the Monterey Bay Unified Pollution Control District to install photovoltaic panels on the Bookmobile. The motion carried unanimously..

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-15 2001-06 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a Resolution # 2001-06 transferring funds and amending the FY 2000-2001 budget in the amount of $107,681 to pay in full the Library's share of the City of Santa Cruz Telephone Upgrade Project. The motion carried unanimously..

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-16 that the Board approve the work objectives in concept and allow the Director of Libraries to redraft and expand some of the objectives. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-17 2001-17 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution # 2001-07 the option to pay off existing debt, borrow for Garfield Park/Aptos in FY 2001-02 and add the 10 year Felton debt in FY 2002-03. The motion also includes giving the Chair the power to approve the contract when it is drawn up. The motion carried unanimously..

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-18 2001-08 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution No. 2001-08 the budget of the Santa Cruz City-County Library System for the fiscal year 2001-2002, as proposed in that certain document entitled "Santa Cruz City-County Library System 2001-2002 Proposed Annual Budget" on file with the Clerk of the Library Board with addenda thereto detailed in the attached Exhibit "A", Revisions to Personnel. In addition, the Board stipulated that delays be made in the amount of $81,000 in the Capital Outlay budget to determine the amount of sales tax that will be available. The Board also asked for quarterly sales tax reports in the next fiscal year. The motion passed unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-19 2001-09 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a Resolution # 2001-09 transferring funds and appropriating to the FY 2001-02 Budget $16,700 from the McCaskill Trust for the Visually Impaired accrued income for the purchase of equipment and signage to serve visually impaired people, and $6,300 for library materials for the same purpose. The motion passed unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-20 2001-10 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a Resolution # 2001-10 authorizing and directing the Director of Libraries to enter into an agreement with Powell's Maintenance for the performance of janitorial services as specified in the Library Janitorial Bid Document dated March 2001, in the amount of $46,800 per year.

Vote: UNAN
2001-06-04 2001-21 that the regularly scheduled meetings of the Library Joint Powers Board in July and August 2001 be cancelled and that the next meeting be held on September 10, 2001. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-04-02 2001-10 2001-03 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt a Resolution (#2001-03) authorizing and directing the Director of Libraries to enter into an agreement with the Santa Cruz County Children and Families Commission to accept and implement the grant project, READ TO ME! The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-04-02 2001-11 that the Director return to the next meeting with the plans and choices for improvements at the Garfield Park Branch. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-04-02 2001-12 to move the regularly scheduled meeting of the Library Joint Powers Authority Board from Monday, May 7, 2001 to Monday, April 30, 2001. The motion carried unanimously..

Vote: UNAN
2001-03-05 2001-09 that the Library Joint Powers Board accept the Santa Cruz Public Libraries General Purpose Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for the year ended June 30, 2000 prepared by Caporicci, Cropper & Larson, LLP, Certified Public Accountants.

Vote: UNAN
2001-02-05 2001-05 that the Library Joint Powers Board approve the nomination and election of Toni Campbell as Chair of the Library Joint Powers Board. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-02-05 2001-06 that the Library Joint Powers Board approve the nomination and election of Richard Gaughan as Vice-Chair of the Library Joint Powers Board. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-02-05 2001-07 that the Library Joint Powers Board agree by motion to join with other libraries and library associations in an ACLU lawsuit challenging federal legislation mandating the use of Internet blocking software in public libraries..

Vote: AYES: Almquist, Beautz, Bunnett, Campbell, Fitzmaurice, Gaughan, Krohn, Ortiz NAY: Johnson
2001-02-05 2001-08 that item 11D and 11E be carried over to the March 5, 2001 meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
2001-01-08 2001-01 by motion the Board gave conceptual approval for two applications to the Santa Cruz County Children and Families Commission for grants to support library-based programs. Supervisor Almquist and Toni Campbell abstained.

Vote: p
2001-01-08 2001-02 2001-01 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution # 2001-01 authorizing the Chair to execute an agreement between the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Authority and the County Law Library for Expanded Law Library Services. The motion carried unanimously..

Vote: UNAN
2001-01-08 2001-03 that Sara Bunnett be reappointed to the Library Joint Powers Board for another term. The motion carried unanimously..

Vote: UNAN
2001-01-08 2001-04 2001-02 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution #2001-02) agreeing to share 22% of the local costs of the construction of a Tier II Branch Library in the City of Scotts Valley, provided the City meets it obligation to build a 12,500 square foot facility, and provided plans and specifications meet Library System Tier II facilities standards..

Vote: UNAN
2000-11-06 2000-32 that the Board add the proposed approval of a lease from the Belardi Memorial Board for the Felton Branch Library, since the need to act arose after the agenda was posted, and action was required prior to the next meeting. The item was added to the Agenda as Item 10d. The motion carried unanimously (Supervisor Almquist absent)..

Vote: UNAN
2000-11-06 2000-33 2000-14 that the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a Resolution # 2000-14 accepting a grant in the amount of $738.00 to provide tuition reimbursement for employee Deborah Stephens under the LSTA Public Library Staff Education Program, and amending the FY 2000-2001 Operating Budget for this purpose. The motion carried unanimously..

Vote: UNAN

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