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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2002-05-06 2002-14 2002-07 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2002-07 Accepting the Garfield Park Branch Library Remodeling and Addition Project as Completed and Authorizing the Filing of a Notice of Completion..

Vote: UNAN
2002-05-06 2002-15 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt by motion that the performance of the Director of Libraries be appraised by the Library Joint Powers Authority Board using a procedure outlined in a report to the Board, and culminating in a Closed Session discussion at its September 9, 2002 meeting..

Vote: UNAN
2002-05-06 2002-16 That the Library Joint powers Authority Board adopt by motion staff's recommendation to deal with the FY 2002/02 deficit by: 1) reducing the final amount spent on library materials by $117,000; 2) delaying $61,000 in Capital Outlay projects; and 3) based on these reductions and the anticipated 4% in Personnel savings, deriving a further reduction of $6,435 in the City of Santa Cruz charge to the Library system..

Vote: AYES: Supervisor Beautz, Citizen Bunnett, Citizen Campbell, Councilmember Fitzmaurice, Citizen Gaughan, Councilmember Krohn, Councilmember Ortiz NAYS: Supervisor Almquist, Councilmember Johnson
2002-03-04 2002-08 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt by motion General Purpose Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report for year Ended June 30, 2001..

Vote: UNAN
2002-03-04 2002-09 2002-04 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2002-04 Regarding Lease Extension for Headquarters Space..

Vote: UNAN
2002-03-04 2002-10 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board by motion approve changing the Garfield Park Branch Library open hours to 1PM to 7PM on Monday through Thursday, 1PM to 6PM on Friday and 1PM to 5PM on Saturday..

Vote: UNAN
2002-03-04 2002-11 2002-05 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2002-05 Regarding Replacement of the Felton Branch Library..

Vote: UNAN
2002-02-04 2002-05 2002-03 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2002-03 approving Capitola branch lease management..

Vote: UNAN
2002-02-04 2002-06 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt by motion that Citizen Richard Gaughn serve as Library Joint Powers Board Chair from February 5, 2002 to February 4, 2003..

Vote: UNAN
2002-02-04 2002-07 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt by motion that Councilmember Tim Fitzmaurice serve as Library Joint Powers Board Vice Chair from February 5, 2002 to February 4, 2003..

Vote: UNAN
2002-01-07 2002-01 2002-01 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2002-01 accepting a $500.00 grant from the Steinbeck Centennial to conduct public programming about the work of this author..

Vote: UNAN
2002-01-07 2002-02 2002-02 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2002-02 regarding the retirement of Barbara Kiehl..

Vote: UNAN
2002-01-07 2002-03 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt by motion the Benefactor Recognition Policy..

Vote: UNAN
2002-01-07 2002-04 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt by motion the legislative program for 2002, and that it request the County Board of Supervisors and the Capitola, Santa Cruz, and Scotts Valley City Councils to also actively support these measures by including them in their own legislative programs..

Vote: UNAN
2001-12-03 2001-31 2001-14 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2001-14 accepting a grant in the amount of $4,279.00 to provide tuition reimbursement for employees Deborah Stephens and Kari Gunn under the LSTA Public Library Staff Education Program, and amending the FY 2001-2002 Operating Budget for this purpose..

Vote: UNAN
2001-12-03 2001-32 2001-17 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2001-17 appropriating $15,925.00 in McCaskill Trust for Local History funds for microfilming and other expenses associated with the preservation of access to certain directories and newspapers of local interest, and amending the FY 2001-2002 Library budget for the purpose..

Vote: UNAN
2001-12-03 2001-33 2001-15 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2001-15 accepting a pecuniary gift of $2,000 from the estate of Donald Cobb Stewart, and that it amend the FY 2001-02 READ TO ME! grant project budget to appropriate these funds for the purchase of gift books for preschoolers..

Vote: UNAN
2001-12-03 2001-34 2001-16 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2001-16 directing the Director of Libraries to execute a lease agreement between the City of Capitola and the Library System for premises housing the Capitola Branch Library..

Vote: Councilmember Ortiz abstained
2001-10-01 2001-27 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board add an item to the Agenda to adopt a resolution allocating the $750,000 in lease purchase funds between the Garfield Park Branch Renovation Project and the Aptos Branch Parking Lot Expansion Project. The City of Santa Cruz Finance has requested this allocation. The item was added to the Agenda as Item A.2. under Other Business. The motion carried unanimously (Citizen Campbell and Councilmember Fitzmaurice absent)..

Vote: UNAN
2001-10-01 2001-28 2001-12 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2001-12 accepting the bid for the Garfield Park Branch Renovation Project and authorizing and directing the Director of Libraries to execute an agreement between the Library Joint Powers Authority and Kase Pacific Construction, Inc.; that the contingency fund be 5%; that the Board caps other project expenses (furniture, shelving, etc.) at $50,000; that the Board approve any significant changes; and that the Aptos Parking Lot Expansion Project be the next capital improvement project..

Vote: UNAN
2001-10-01 2001-29 2001-13 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2001-13 allocating the borrowed $750,000 as follows: Garfield Park Branch Renovation Project: $625,000; Aptos Branch Parking Lot Expansion Project: $125,000.

Vote: UNAN
2001-10-01 2001-30 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board by motion request that the City of Santa Cruz City Council delete Position 212-409, Senior Library Assistant/Branch Manager, and replace it with a full-time Librarian I/II position..

Vote: UNAN
2001-09-10 2001-22 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board appoint Richard Gaughan as a Citizen member for a four year term expiring in January 2006..

Vote: UNAN
2001-09-10 2001-23 2001-11 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution #2001-11 authorizing and directing the Director of Libraries to enter into an agreement with the Monterey Bay Unified Pollution Control District to accept and implement a grant in the amount of $4,707 to install solar panels on the Bookmobile..

Vote: UNAN
2001-09-10 2001-24 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board accepts the Member Report and ratifies the Chair's signing the Lease Purchase Documents..

Vote: UNAN

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