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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
1999-10-04 1999-17 that the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $14,500 in available revenue for the replacement of the entrance doors at the Aptos Branch, and associated work to the Capital Outlay Budget.

Vote: UNAN
1999-10-04 1999-18 That the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $1,100 in available revenue from the McCaskill Trust for Local History to the Technology budget to cover cost overruns in the purchase and installation of new microfilm equipment.

Vote: UNAN
1999-10-04 1999-19 That Richard Manning, City Attorney from Capitola and John Barisone, City Attorney from Santa Cruz meet with Chair Campbell, Supervisor Beautz and Councilmember Rotkin before the November 8, 1999 meeting of the Board to agree on language and understanding of the proposed 2nd amendment to the Library Joint Powers Agreement without changing the substance of the Board's original intent and that Chair Campbell also write a letter to the Mayor of Capitola stating that all other jurisdictions have approved this amendment and urge them to move the motion ahead..

Vote: UNAN
1999-10-04 1999-20 That the Board write a letter to Dot Allen thanking her for serving as the Library's representative to the MOBAC Advisory Board.

Vote: UNAN
1999-10-04 1999-21 that the Board accept the resignation of Citizen Katherine Kish and that the Chair write a letter thanking her for her past service on the Library Joint Powers Board.

Vote: UNAN
1999-10-04 1999-22 that the Board accept the recommendation of the Director of Libraries that the Library System support staff be included in the City of Santa Cruz reclassification study of all employees scheduled for FY 1999-00.

Vote: UNAN
1999-10-04 1999-23 that the Board accept the recommendation of the Director of Libraries that the Belardi Board's proposal to establish a local history branch in the Belardi Memorial Building in Felton is unfeasible.

Vote: UNAN
1999-10-04 1999-24 that the Board authorize the payment to Fowler Associates for service already contracted and add $3000 to obtain additional information outlining clear and sensible alternatives for encapsulation vs. removal.

Vote: UNAN
1999-07-19 1999-15 That the Board adopt the proposed revisions to the Library Joint Powers Board Authority Agreement.

Vote: UNAN
1999-07-19 1999-16 That the Board instructed Director Turner to start looking at sights to relocate the library as well as study the feasibility of the Belardi Board's proposal.

Vote: UNAN
1999-06-07 1999-13 That Rotkin and Erwin Young will set up a meeting with SEIU representatives to discuss their concerns. He will report back in writing before the next board meeting..

Vote: UNAN
1999-06-07 1999-14 hat the Budget of the Santa Cruz City-county Library System for fiscal year 1999-2000 as proposed in that certain document entitled "Santa Cruz City-County Library System 1999-2000 Proposed Annual Budget," and its addenda, on file with the clerk of the Board, is hereby adopted for the fiscal year 1999-2000.

Vote: UNAN
1999-05-03 1999-12 That the recommendation to adopt the resolution appropriating an additional $87,000 from available revenue to pay for the telephone system upgrade project be carried over until the June 7, 1999 meeting of the Board..

Vote: UNAN
1999-04-05 1999-10 That at least one member of the Library Joint Powers Board be included in the training and tutorial provided by BMI, Inc. under the contract.

Vote: UNAN
1999-04-05 1999-11 That a subcommittee of the Library Board meet with the City Attorney to obtain in writing a ruling about meeting in closed session and that the classification and compensation study be continued for one month until this meeting is held.

Vote: UNAN
1999-03-01 1999-07 That when any substantial amount of material, not covered by the library's contract with the Friends of the Library , is to be discarded, the Friends of the Santa Cruz Libraries, Inc. should post an announcement outside of each library and on the library website stating that discarded materials are available and state the date certain by which they must be picked up .

Vote: AYES: Councilmember Aguilar Supervisor Beautz, Citizen Bunnett, Councilmember Fabrizio, Citizen Kish, Councilmember Rotkin, Citizen Campbell, Councilmember Mathews NAYES: Supervisor Jeff Almquist
1999-03-01 1999-08 That the Library Joint Powers Board update the prior resolution of the Santa Cruz City Council with the Friends of the Santa Cruz Council with the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries, Inc. so that it is now an agreement with the Library Joint Powers Authority.

Vote: AYES: Councilmember Aguilar, Supervisor Beautz, Citizen Bunnett, Councilmember Fabrizio, Citizen Kish NAYES: Supervisor Almquist, Citizen Campbell, Councilmember Mathews, Councilmember Rotkin
1999-03-01 1999-09 That the Library Joint Powers Board approve the Capitola Branch Open Hours as presented by the Director of Libraries.

Vote: UNAN
1999-02-01 1999-05 the Board schedule a meeting in closed session to discuss the compensation and classification study, if in fact it is legal according to the Santa Cruz City Attorney and also to ascertain what the content of that meeting can include..

Vote: UNAN
1999-02-01 1999-06 The Library Joint Powers Authority Board appropriate the monies in the FY 1997-98 Fund Balance as follows: $7,000 from Available Revenue to the FY 98/99 budget to contract with Arthur Andersen llp for financial auditing services; $ 66,875.00 from Fund Balance/Available Revenue to the FY 1998/99 Capital Outlay/Equipment Budget for the Purchase of Replacement Microfilm Reader/Printers and Other Equipment; $35,000 from the McCaskill Trust for Local History to the FY 1998-99 Capital Outlay/Equipment Budget for the Purchase of Replacement Microfilm; Reader/Printers and Other Equipment. $61,716.00 from Fund Balance/Available Revenue to the FY 1998/99 Books and Periodicals Budget for the Purchase of Microfilm and Other Materials..

Vote: UNAN
1999-01-11 1999-01 That available FY 1997/1998 Fund Balance Revenues be appropriated to pay the Library's Share of the upgraded telephone system.

Vote: UNAN
1999-01-11 1999-02 That it be the policy of the Library Joint Powers Board that 25% of future available fund balance revenues be allocated to the acquisition of library materials. .

Vote: AYES: Councilmember Aguilar, Supervisor Almquist, Supervisor Beautz, Citizen Bunnett, Councilmember Fabrizio, Citizen Kish, Councilmember Rotkin NAYES: Citizen Campbell, Councilmember Mathews
1999-01-11 1999-03 That the Library Joint Powers Board approve in concept a Library Services and Technology Act grant proposal to develop a library user training program which utilizes the computer skills of Santa Cruz County young people.

Vote: UNAN
1999-01-11 1999-04 That the Library Joint Powers Board approve in concept a Library Services and Technology Act grant proposal to develop a library user training program which utilizes the computer skills of Santa County young people..

Vote: UNAN
1998-12-07 1998-34 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board direct the Finance Department of the City of Santa Cruz to establish three reserve funds as follows: Library Contingency Reserve Fund, Library Technology Reserve Fund, Library Capital Projects Reserve Fund.

Vote: UNAN

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