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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
1998-12-07 1998-35 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board appropriate the monies in the FY 1997-98 Fund Balance as follows: $50,000 to the Library Contingency Reserve Fund, $125,389 to the Library Technology Reserve Fund, $125,389 to the Library Capital Projects Reserve Fund, $125,389 to the Reduction of the Library Lease Purchase Debt.

Vote: UNAN
1998-12-07 1998-36 That the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $28,547 in remaining FY 1997-98 Fund Balance to Capital Outlay Projects to meet cost overruns for the Central Branch renovation project..

Vote: UNAN
1998-12-07 1998-37 That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt a 1999 Legislative Program comprised of support for the issues and items as follows: Full funding for Public Library Fund, Increased Funding for the Library of California, Support for Public Library Construction Bonds, California Library Services Act Funding, and that it also recommends support of these issues to the City Councils of Capitola, Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley and County Board of Supervisors.

Vote: UNAN
1998-11-09 1998-30 That Dorothy Allen of LaSelva Beach be appointed as the Santa Cruz County Library System citizen representative to the System Advisory Board of the Monterey Bay Area Cooperative Library System for a two year term expiring in November, 2001..

1998-11-09 1998-31 That the Board adopt a resolution to approve a budget transfer appropriating $20,000 in unanticipated Richardson Trust revenue to the FY 1998-99 Library Materials Budget..

Vote: UNAN
1998-11-09 1998-32 That the Board adopt a resolution and approve a budget transfer appropriating $39,700 from available revenue to complete various Central and Branciforte Branch capital improvement projects..

Vote: UNAN
1998-11-09 1998-33 That the Board allocate up to $20,000 from available revenue to conduct a study of Library professional personnel classification, job specifications and compensation, and the Board Chair appoint a member to work with the Library Director and City of Santa Cruz Personnel Director in overseeing the study..

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-20 1998-19 That the Board adopt Resolution 1998-19 rejecting the tort claim of Barbara Chamberlin.

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-21 1998-20 That the Board adopt Resolution No. 1998-20 allowing the tort claim of Mary E. Courtheyn in the amount of $278.58 for medical special damages and rejecting any other claims for damages arising out of the subject March 25, 1998 event..

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-22 That the Board approve changing the closing time at all branches on December 24 and December 31, to 1PM.

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-23 That the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $75,000 received from the City of Capitola to the FY 1998/99 budget and amend Budget Activity 7200, Object 310 (Capital Outlay) to include these funds for the purchase of furniture and fittings for the Capitola Branch library.

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-24 That the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $8,800 in unanticipated Richardson Trust Revenue to 7220/286 for the purchase of library materials under the terms of the Trust..

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-25 That the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $129,000 in anticipated additional State Public Library Fund revenue to the 1998-99 Library Budget, and amend Budget Activity 7220, object 286 (Books & Periodicals) to include these funds.

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-26 That the Library Joint Powers Board transfer $12,087 from other budget lines and appropriate triple net costs for 1543 Pacific Avenue.

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-27 That the Library Joint Powers Board appropriate $52,000 from the FY 1997-98 Fund Balance to complete ADA compliance projects planned for FY 1997-98..

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-28 That staff submit a report at the November meeting with policy recommendations for Fund Balance allocation which considers Supervisor Almquist's suggested formula as well as the long-term reserve requirements of the system..

Vote: UNAN
1998-09-14 1998-29 That the Director of Libraries request the City of Santa Cruz Finance Department to immediately place all Fund Balance monies in an interest bearing account..

Vote: UNAN
1998-06-08 1998-15 That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt the 1998-99 Library Operating and Capital Budget as revised by the Library Director in her memo of June 5, 1998.

Vote: UNAN
1998-06-08 1998-16 That the staff who prepared the criteria, site selection and scheduling for the Bookmobile Schedule be commended on their fine work and report submitted to the Board.

Vote: UNAN
1998-06-08 1998-17 That the Library Joint Powers Board approve closing all Library Branches on Thursday, August 20, 1998 for an all staff training session.

Vote: UNAN
1998-06-08 1998-18 1998-17 That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt Resolution 1998-17, setting the terms under which the Chair is authorized to approve contracts on behalf of the Board.

Vote: UNAN
1998-06-08 1998-19 That the regularly scheduled meetings in July and August be cancelled as previously agreed upon and that the next meeting of the Library Board be held on September 14, 1998..

Vote: UNAN
1998-05-11 1998-14 That the Library Joint Powers Board accept the staffing recommendations for FY 1998-99 as proposed by the Library Director.

Vote: UNAN
1998-04-06 1998-11 That the Library Joint Powers appropriate an amount not to exceed $23,000 from McCaskill Trust for Local History accrued interest in FY 1998-99, to preserve, catalog, and provide public access to the Library's collection of historic photographs..

Vote: UNAN
1998-04-06 1998-12 That the Library Joint Powers Board approve awarding a contract in an amount not to exceed $30,000 to Audette Associates for network and software installation services..

Vote: UNAN

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