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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2021-10-07 2021-22 None Elected Interim Chair and Vice-Chair as the County of Santa Cruz and the City of Capitola respectively for October through December 2021..

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2021-10-07 2021-23 None Directed Staff to update policy #102 accordingly: Individual Board members may not direct the work or actions of staff. Those questions and requests should be made to the Director of Libraries…..[.

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2021-10-07 2021-24 None Approved and Amended the FY 21/22 Library Budget in the amount of $250,000..

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2021-10-07 2021-25 None Adopted Resolution No. 2021-001 Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings pursuant to Assembly Bill 361..

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2021-08-05 2021-17 None APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR, Items 10 A – J. Pulled Item 10 I and moved to Item 11 B A. Approved the June 3 and July 6, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL C. Accepted and Filed 4th Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 2020-2021 D. 4th Qtr. Financial Report for FY 2020-2021 postponed until October meeting E. Accepted and Filed 4th Qtr. Incident Report for FY 2020-2021 F. Accepted and Filed 4th Qtr. Work Plan for FY 2020-2021 G. Approved and Accepted the Santa Cruz Workforce Collaborative Grant and Amend the FY 21/22 Library Budget H. Approved Staff Training Day to be held on October 14, 2021 I. Item pulled and moved to 11. B J. Accepted Funds (Sulzner Trust Fund and FSCPL) and Amended the FY 21 Budget.

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2021-08-05 2021-18 None Adopted the Revised Meeting Room Policy #315.

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2021-08-05 2021-19 None Deferred discussion on the display of the LGBTQ Pride Flag while the Commemorative Flag Policy #109 works its way through input and comes back as a final document to the Board while in the interim the Flag can fly at all branches, with the additional direction to get input from other groups and hear their interest.

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2021-08-05 2021-20 None Approved the Forgiveness of Debt Currently on File with the Library’s Debt Collection Agency.

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2021-07-06 2021-15 None Approved Library Director Recruitment Services Agreement in the amount of $19,000..

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2021-07-06 2021-16 None Appointed Eric Howard, Assistant Library Director, to serve as Interim Library Director effective August 3, 2021.

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2021-06-03 2021-13 None APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approved the May 6, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL C. Approved the Recommended Budget Adjustment for Sales Tax Revenue and Library Materials Expenditure Budgets D. Approved the Transfer of Unused Capital Funds, $50K, from the Operating Budget to the Library’s Capital Funds Account.

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2021-06-03 2021-14 None Adopted the Proposed FY2021-2022 Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Budget as presented with two additional directions: 1. that staff report back at the next meeting with the reconciliation of the fund balance and 2. that the Management Analyst position will not be filled until a new Interim Director has been appointed..

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2021-05-06 2021-09 None A. Approved the March 4, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL C. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 2020-2021 D. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Financial Report for FY 2020-2021 E. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Incident Report for FY 2020-2021 F. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Work Plan for FY 2020-2021 G. Accepted and Filed Library Sales Tax Revenue Update for 3rd Qtr. FY 2020-2021 H. Accepted and Filed Letter from Anna Esho I. Approved Sole Source Vendor List for Purchases Made which Exceed $100,000 annually.

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2021-05-06 2021-10 None Reviewed and endorsed the Plan for a Phased Reopening.

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2021-05-06 2021-11 None 1. Authorized the end of the furlough as of May 14 consistent with the City of Santa Cruz’ Council recommendation. 2. Reinstated the resources to fund the frozen positions. 3. Restored the temporary On-call Aide pool and will make the necessary Budget adjustment to authorize the expenditures for this year if needed. 4. Instructed Staff to commence hiring, orientation and training immediately. 5. Appointed the County and Board member Goldstein to serve on a Subcommittee. 6. Made a one-time appropriation of $30,000 to provide analytical support for that Committee. 7. The Subcommittee would meet as needed and come back with recommendations no later than March 2022 for FY 22/23..

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2021-05-06 2021-12 None Accepted the Proposed 2021-2022 Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Budget and recommended placing the approval of the final budgets on the June 2021 JPA agenda.

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2021-03-04 2021-05 none A. Approved the February 4, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL C. Reviewed and Accepted Prepared Library Audit – Annual Financial Report for FY2020.

Vote: Unan
2021-03-04 2021-06 none 1. To authorize the Library Director, for purposes of budgeting, to plan for a 1- year MOE Agreement Extension with an increase of $320,000, knowing that there are parallel processes to seek approvals through all Councils and the Board of Supervisors. To direct staff to work with the Chair and Board members to come up with a scope and process to develop the successor 5-year MOE Agreement and for that process to be completed by December 2021. 2. To authorize staff to develop budget proposals to strategically reduce the size of library fund balance to $500,000, bringing it down by $1.5 million. 3. To approve the current budget estimate for City of Santa Cruz overhead services inflated by 5% as per prior years. 4. To direct staff to review and return to the Board with a facilities capital set-aside budget recommendation that is an increase from the current $100,000 but not as high as $400,000, and also to consider the use of the fund balance to help fund the facilities master fund. To direct staff to develop a plan to address agreements for the ongoing capital maintenance for all branches. 5. Direct staff to work with finance support of the City of Santa Cruz to really understand the numbers of the fund balance cycle..

Vote: Unan
2021-03-04 2021-07 None A. Approved the February 4, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL C. Reviewed and Accepted Prepared Library Audit – Annual Financial Report for FY2020.

Vote: UNAN
2021-03-04 2021-08 None 1. To authorize the Library Director, for purposes of budgeting, to plan for a 1- year MOE Agreement Extension with an increase of $320,000, knowing that there are parallel processes to seek approvals through all Councils and the Board of Supervisors. To direct staff to work with the Chair and Board members to come up with a scope and process to develop the successor 5-year MOE Agreement and for that process to be completed by December 2021. 2. To authorize staff to develop budget proposals to strategically reduce the size of library fund balance to $500,000, bringing it down by $1.5 million. 3. To approve the current budget estimate for City of Santa Cruz overhead services inflated by 5% as per prior years. 4. To direct staff to review and return to the Board with a facilities capital set-aside budget recommendation that is an increase from the current $100,000 but not as high as $400,000, and also to consider the use of the fund balance to help fund the facilities master fund. To direct staff to develop a plan to address agreements for the ongoing capital maintenance for all branches. 5. Direct staff to work with finance support of the City of Santa Cruz to really understand the numbers of the fund balance cycle..

Vote: UNAN
2021-02-04 2021-01 none A. Approved the December 3, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL C. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 2020-2021 D. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Financial Report for FY 2020-2021 E. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Incident Report for FY 2020-2021 F. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Work Plan for FY 2020-2021.

Vote: Unan
2021-02-04 2021-02 none Elected the Calendar year 2021 Board Chair and Vice-Chair as the City of Santa Cruz and the City of Scotts Valley respectively..

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2020-12-03 2020-20 none A. Approved the October 1, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL C. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 2020-2021 D. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Financial Report for FY 2020-2021 E. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Incident Report for FY 2020-2021 F. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Work Plan for FY 2020-2021 G. Accepted and Filed Letter of Support H. Accepted and Filed Library Sales Tax Revenue Update for 1st Qtr. FY 2020-2021.

Vote: Unan

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