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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description

Vote: Unan
2020-10-01 2020-18 none A. Approved the August 6, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes; B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL; C. Approved Holiday Closure Schedule for 2020, which is different than the Holiday Policy #108 adopted in 2019; D. Approved $50.000 from the Friends of the Libraries for Solar Panels for the Capitola Branch Library..

Vote: Unan

Vote: Unan
2020-08-06 2020-17 none A. Approved June 4, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes; B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL; C. Accepted and Filed Community Impact Measures for 4th Qtr. 2019-2020; D. Accepted and Filed Year-End Financial Report for FY 2019-2020; E. Accepted and Filed Incident Report for 4th Qtr. 2019-2020; F. Accepted and Filed Work Plan for 4th Qtr. 2019-2020; G. Accepted and Filed Library Sales Tax Revenue Update for 4th Qtr. FY 2019-20; H. Approve and amend the FY 2019-2020 operating budget to transfer monies from operating budget to capital outlay fund totaling $70,000; I. Approved a $100,000 Friends of the Libraries grant made payable to Santa Cruz County for the La Selva Beach Branch Library building project; J. 1) Approved grant funds from the Monterey Peninsula Foundation in the amount of $300,000. 2) Approved $100,000 of the above grant funds for the Boulder Creek Library Branch building project. 3) Approved additional funds from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Libraries in the amount of $75,000 to be used for the Boulder Creek Branch Library building project; K. Reviewed and Accepted Library Audit – Annual Financial Report..

Vote: Unan
2020-06-04 2020-13 none A. Approved May 7, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL..

Vote: Unan
2020-06-04 2020-14 none 1. Approved the FY 20/21 budget with $3.8 million in spending reductions and strategic use of the reserve. 2. Directed staff to closely monitor the impacts associated with COVID-19 Shelter in Place Order of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries and budget and provided financial updates at each Library Joint Powers Board meeting during FY 20/21 with the additional direction to achieve larger savings in the non-personnel expenditures category than the posted target of $150,000..

Vote: Unan
2020-06-04 2020-15 none Approved Public Service Hours Strategy - Items #1, 2 and 4. Defer item #3. 1. Empower the Library Director to determine branch hours through FY 2021. 2. Empower the Library Director to schedule the opening and closure of branches for remodeling in order to maximize public service hours while the Library system manages this period of limited staffing. 4. Request staff to update the Joint Powers Board in advance at each meeting on projected changes to the current schedule..

Vote: Unan
2020-06-04 2020-16 none Reviewed and approved the City of Santa Cruz Early Retirement Incentive Program for use with Santa Cruz Public Library staff during FY 2021 with the addition that the approval is contingent upon finding a solution that does not involve layoffs and is consistent with the City of Santa Cruz negotiations..

Vote: Unan
2020-05-07 2020-8 none A. Approved March 5, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL C. Accepted and Filed Community Impact Measures for 3rd Qtr. 2019-2020 D. Accepted and Filed Financial Report for 3rd Qtr. 2019-2020 E. Accepted and Filed Incident Report for 3rd Qtr. 2019-2020 F. Accepted and Filed Work Plan for 3rd Qtr. 2019-2020 G. Accepted and Filed Library Sales Tax Revenue Update for 3rd Qtr. 2019-2020 H. Approved and Amended the FY 2019-2020 Operating Budget to Include Additional Revenues Totaling $50,000..

Vote: Unan
2020-05-07 2020-9 none Approved the Library Work Plan for FY 2020/2021 and Requested Staff to Delay the Strategic Planning Process until FY 2021/2022..

Vote: Unan
2020-05-07 2020-10 none Received Report and Provided Direction 1. Considered the FY 2020 and FY 2021 budget update; 2. Authorized and ratified FY 2020 budget saving measures and strategic use of fund balances; 3. Approved budget principles, assumptions and timeline; 4. Directed staff to develop a FY 20/21 budget with $3.8 million in spending reductions and strategic use of the reserve; 5. Directed staff to closely monitor the impacts associated with COVID-19 Shelter in Place Order on the Santa Cruz Public Libraries and budget. With the following addition: that the Board revisit the budget in August to make further adjustments if needed and to ask Staff for an alternative more conservative baseline recommendation at that time.

Vote: Unan
2020-05-07 2020-11 none Authorized Terms of the FY 2021 City of Santa Cruz Overhead Services Agreement to be incorporated into the FY 2021 Library Budget..

Vote: Unan
2020-05-07 2020-12 none Approved the Excecution by the Authority of a Subordination Agreement (Subordination of Library Lease Agreements)..

Vote: Unan
2020-03-05 2020-6 (none) Approved Consent Calendar: A. Approved January 9, 2020 Board Minutes B. Accepted and filed Articles about SCPL. C. Accepted and filed Community Impact Measures for 2nd Qtr. 2019-2020 D. Accepted and filed Financial Report for 2nd Qtr. 2019-2020 E. Accepted and filed Incident Report for 2nd Qtr. 2019-2020 F. Accepted and filed Work plan for 2nd Qtr. 2019-2020 G. Approved and Amended the FY 19-20 Operating Budget to include additional revenues totaling $21,301. H. Approved and filed the updated List of Filers under the Library's Conflict of Interest Code I. Approved the Extension to the Subscription with CollectionHQ for the period of Jan.2020-Jan.2023 for an annual fee of $23,689..

Vote: Unan
2020-03-05 2020-7 (none) Approved Meeting Room Policy #315.

Vote: Unan
2020-01-09 2020-1 (none) A. Approved Minutes of December 5, 2019 B. Received Articles about SCPL C. Accepted and Authorized Transfer of Funds from FSCPL in the amount of $ 49,000. D. Accepted and Authorized Transfer of Funds from FSCPL in the amount of $ 52,740. E. Approved Annual Sole Source Vendor List..

Vote: Unan
2020-01-09 2020-2 (none) Elected the Calendar year 2020 Board Chair and Vice Chair as the City of Capitola and City of Santa Cruz respectively..

Vote: Unan
2020-01-09 2020-3 (none) Authorized the Mid-Year Hires for the Capitola Branch Opening as a Temporary Overhire.

Vote: Unan
2020-01-09 2020-4 (none) Approved Lease between the County of Santa Cruz and SCPL for the Felton Branch Library Facility subject to Final Modification by Counsel and JPA adding Language regarding the Extension as discussed..

Vote: Unan
2020-01-09 2020-5 (none) Approved Amendment of the Library Director’s Employment Agreement..

Vote: Unan
2019-12-05 2019-23 (none) A. Approved Minutes of October 3, 2019 B. Received Articles about SCPL C. Received Community Impact Measures for 1st Qtr. FY 2019-2020 D. Received Financial Report for 1st Qtr. FY 2019-202 E. Received Security Incidents Log for 1st Qtr. FY 2019-202 F. Received Workplan for 1st Qtr. FY 2019-2020 G. Received Library Sales Tax Revenue Update for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 fiscal years H. Approved Census 2020 – Statement of Support I. Accepted and Filed Library Naming Agreements for Felton Branch Library J. Accepted and Amended FY 2019-2020 Library Budget to increase FSCPL donations line by $58,600. K. Approved Transfer of Whalen Trust Moneys and Amended FY 2019-2020 Operating Budget.

Vote: Unan
2019-12-05 2019-24 (none) Approved Annual Meeting Schedule 2020 with suggested location changes..

Vote: Unan
2019-10-03 2019-19 (none) A. Approved Minutes of August 1 and September 5, 2019 B. Received Articles about SCPL C. Received Acknowledgement from California State Library.

Vote: Unan
2019-10-03 2019-20 (none) APPROVED INTERLIBRARY LOAN (ILL) POLICY #320.

Vote: Unan

Vote: Unan

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